Ordinary Microsoft Office PowerPoint Training
Get Started
1. Opening Microsoft PowerPoint
2. Planning a PowerPoint presentation
1. Identifying parts of the PowerPoint screen
2. Working with the ribbon
3. Using & customizing the quick access toolbar
4. Minimizing or expanding the ribbon
5. Using the zoom feature
1. Creating a new blank presentation
2. Creating a new presentation with available themes
3. Creating a new presentation with available templates
4. Inserting a new slide
5. Choosing a slide layout
6. Shortcut to start a new blank presentation
1. Opening a presentation using the library
2. Opening a presentation via recent menu
3. Saving & closing a presentation
4. Exiting PowerPoint
5. Shortcuts to open, close, save & exit
Formatting Slide
1. Changing font type or size
2. Applying bold, italic or underline text
3. Using change case options
4. Copying formatting with the format painter
5. Using the mini-toolbar
1. Applying align text left
2. Applying align text right
3. Centering a paragraph
4. Justifying a paragraph
5. Shortcuts to change the alignment
6. Changing spacing before & after a paragraph
7. Opening the line spacing within a paragraph
8. Increasing or decreasing indentation
1. Creating a bullet list
2. Creating a number list
3. Using the bullets or numbers library
4. Using pictures as bullets
Images and Illutrations
1. Inserting pictures, cliparts, or screenshots
2. Selecting & deleting pictures or cliparts
3. Sizing & moving pictures or cliparts
4. Formatting pictures or cliparts
1. Inserting lines or basics shapes
Slides and Presentations
1. Displaying outline or slide view
2. Switching to normal or slide sorter view
3. Switching to slide show or reading view
1. Rearranging & sizing placeholders
2. Inserting, copying or deleting a slide
3. Copying slides between presentations
4. Rearranging slide within side pane
1. Rearranging, duplicating, or deleting slides
2. Hiding or unhiding slides
1. Starting a slide show within PowerPoint
2. Shortcut for running a presentation
3. Slide show commands
4. Moving between slides in your presentation
5. Moving around during your presentation
6. Adding transition or sound effects
7. Running an automatic slide show
Printing a Presentation
1. Changing orientation
2. Changing orientation
1. Selecting print options
2. Printing slides or outlines
3. Printing handouts or notes pages
4. Printing with the grayscale option
1. Previewing a document
2. Printing a document
3. Modifying page setup options from the print window
4. Using quick print
PowerPoint Help
1. Searching help
2. Using the table of content
3. Shortcut for Help

Advanced Microsoft Office PowerPoint Training
Advanced Formatting
1. Changing & formatting the slide master
2. Applying multiple design templates
3. Adding objects to slide master
4. Modifying the slide themes
5. Creating a new colour theme
6. Modifying the design template
1. Changing slide background colour
2. Adding/changing a shaded or textured slide background
3. Changing a patterned or picture slide background
1. Adding a header & footer
2. Formatting a header & footer
1. Creating notes for a slide in normal view
2. Adding speaker notes by using note page
1. Formatting placeholders
1. Inserting lines, basics shapes, rectangles, squares, or ovals
2. Inserting block arrows, flowcharts, stars or banners
3. Selecting or deleting a shape
4. Adding & formatting a shadow to a shape
5. Inserting text in a shape
6. Moving, copying or resizing a shape
7. Rotate or flipping a shape
8. Grouping or ungrouping shapes
9. Aligning shapes
1. Inserting an organization chart
2. Changing styles or layouts to SmartArt
3. Entering information into SmartArt
4. Changing colours to SmartArt
5. Formatting SmartArt
6. Adding Shapes to SmartArt
1. Creating & editing a chart
2. Changing the chart type
3. How to set chart titles
4. Formatting chart elements
Text Boxes & WordArt
1. Inserting & formatting a text box
2. Changing fill colours & outline
3. Applying text box styles & shadow effects
4. Arranging & resizing text boxes
5. Inserting a WordArt object
6. Inserting quick parts
1. Inserting WordArt
2. Inserting text into WordArt
3. Sizing and moving WordArt
4. Rotating or delete WordArt
5. Formatting WordArt
1. Inserting a table
2. Entering text into cells
3. Sizing, moving or deleting a table
4. Inserting or deleting rows/columns
5. Adjusting column width & row height
6. Adding borders to a table
7. Adding shading & fills to a table
1. Applying an animation scheme
2. Adding custom animations to text
3. Adding custom animations to an object
4. Timing effects
5. Applying transition effect to slides
1. Adding an animated gif to a slide
2. Adding a movie to a slide
3. Starting a movie on mouse-click or automatic
4. Setting automatic full screen
1. Adding music or sound effect to a slide
2. Stopping the sound during a presentation
3. Adding a sound effect to an animation
Integrating PowerPoint with Excel and Word
1. Copying a Chart from Excel
2. Importing information from Word
3. Using the clipboard
4. Exporting an outline to Word
Interactive Presentation
1. Inserting action buttons on single slide
2. Inserting action buttons on every slide
1. Creating a hyperlink to another location within presentation
2. Creating a hyperlink shortcut to an email address
3. Creating a hyperlink to open another presentation/file/web page
1. Setting automatic times for slides
2. Using the rehearse timings option
1. Embedding a Word table
2. Embedding & editing an Excel chart
3. Linking a Word table
4. Linking & editing an Excel chart
1. Navigating between slides during presentation
2. Marking up slides using pen during presentation
3. Using highlight annotation during presentation
4. Keeping/deleting ink annotations after presentation